*** WP e-Commerce Social Login Changelog *** = version 1.1.1 (2016-06-21) = * [*] Fixed a issue with logging in with Facebook for recently created apps. = Version 1.1 (2014-05-09) = * [*] Changed short-code icon code to work with WordPress version 3.9. * [*] Removed use of hard-coded "subscriber" role and used the the role which set in WordPress as "New User Default Role". * [*] Removed use of wp_print_styles and admin_print_styles action. * [*] Changed code to fire ajax request with https when site is working with HTTPS. * [+] 100% multilanguage – Social Login extension is now completely translatable both in front and back-end. * [*] minor bug fix for https URL in Facebook and Google JavaScript files. * [*] removed use of .live method in jQuery and replace it with .on method. * [*] bug fix for https URL in LinkedIn. * [*] Bug fix for custom redirect URL. = version 1.0 (2013-11-30) = * [+] Initial Release