*** EDD Currency Converter Changelog *** = Version 2.2.0 (2022-07-29) = * [+] New: Added a compatibility with EDD 3.0. = Version 2.1.2 (2020-07-15) = * [*] Fix: Fixed the issue of duplicate query execute on WordPress dashboard. = Version 2.1.1 (2020-07-01) = * [*] Fix: Fixed the issue with delete plugin link when EDD is not active. = Version 2.1.0 (2020-04-13) = * [+] New: Added a compatibility with WordPress 5.4. = Version 2.0.10 (2019-05-20) = * [*] Fix: Removed use of inline css from the plugin. = Version 2.0.9 (2019-05-17) = * [*] Changed Business Domain URL from wpweb.co.in to wpwebelite.com = Version 2.0.8 (2019-05-03) = * [*] optimized code by escaping static text and URLs. = Version 2.0.7 (2019-04-09) = * [*] Fixed some JS issue while changing a currency from widget. = Version 2.0.6 (2019-04-03) = * [*] Optimized code for WP Compliant badge. = Version 2.0.5 (2019-03-08) = * [*] FIX: Modified plugin Auto Updater request URL. = Version 2.0.4 (2018-04-03) = * [+] NEW: Added action in Add New Currency form. = Version 2.0.3 (2018-03-07) = * [+] NEW: Added support to work with Max Mega Menu plugin. = Version 2.0.2 (2018-02-09) = * [*] Updated download link of Auto Update plugin. = Version 2.0.1 (2018-01-10) = * [*] Resolved issue with price on checkout page. = Version 2.0 (2017-09-25) = * [+] Plugin is now distributed via Code Canyon instead of easydigitaldownloads.com = Version 1.2.3 (2017-05-15) = * [*] Resolved bug that could cause the currency detection checks to run repeatedly. = Version 1.2.2 (2017-01-08) = * [*] Resolved issue with currency detection. = Version 1.2.1 (2016-12-12) = * [*] Code optimization = Version 1.2.0 (2016-10-21) = * [*] Fixed issue with the saving checkbox settings with EDD 2.6.9. = Version 1.1.9 (2016-06-23) = * [*] Fixed issue with the saving of settings. * [+] Added new filters that permit other extensions to modify currency formats = Version 1.1.8 (2016-04-26) = * [*] Fixed issue with the saving of settings. = Version 1.1.7 (2016-01-23) = * [+] Easy Digital Downloads 2.5 compatibility. = Version 1.1.6 (2015-08-21) = * [*] Fixed a issue with currency detection logic. = Version 1.1.5 (2015-06-04) = * [+] Added plugin upgrade safe method for translations. * [*] Optimized JS/css codes. = Version 1.1.4 (2014-04-22) = * [*] Fixed PHP warnings = Version 1.1.3 (2015-03-23) = * [+] Added improved support for W3 Total Cache plugin. = Version 1.1.2 (2015-03-05) = * [*] Bug fix for setting default settings on plugin activation. = Version 1.1.1 (2014-11-30) = * [*] Remove use of "wp_cache_set" and use "set_transient" method instead for caching data. = Version 1.1.0 (2014-10-08) = * [*] Fixed a bug with how the text domain is loaded = Version 1.0.9 (2014-08-20) = * [*] Bug fix for Replace currency symbol setting. = Version 1.0.8 (2014-07-10) = * [+] Added Replace currency symbol option. = Version 1.0.7 (2014-06-24) = * [+] Added reset button option in short-code [edd_select_currency]. * [*] Fixed a fatal error = Version 1.0.6 (2014-04-21) = * [*] Resolved error occurred on plugin activation with WordPress version 3.9. = Version 1.0.5 (2014-04-04) = * [*] Fixed a error of using WP_Error as array. = Version 1.0.4 (2014-03-24) = * [*] Removed use of wp_print_styles and admin_print_styles action. * [*] Bug fix for Exchange Rates Method set as Both. = Version 1.0.3 (2014-02-17) = * [+] Added a option to set "rows per page" for currencies listing page. * [*] Minor bug fix for thousands amount conversion rate. = Version 1.0.2 (2014-02-10) = * [+] Set all default settings on plugin activation to avoid warning/notices. = Version 1.0.1 (2014-01-20) = * [+] Added base currency option. = Version 1.0.0 (2014-01-18) = * [+] Initial Release